The MLS (or Multiple Listing Service) is a local, online platform where people can view, sell, and purchase homes and properties. If a user is trying to sell a house, a listing on the MLS is the #1 way for it to be seen by other people. Likewise, if you’re looking to buy a particular house (or just want to see what’s on the market), chances are searching the MLS will bring you the fastest results.
While the MLS is often confused as being a single national database, it’s actually made up of hundreds of regional databases. (This is why Intermountain Properties is able to get your home listed on multiple sites across the board for only a small flat fee).
How do I get my home listed on the MLS?
House sellers are not able to list their home directly on the MLS by themselves. This is where realtors come in. Part of a realtor’s job is to obtain all the necessary home information, including price, size, features, accommodations, and pictures, and upload all of it onto the MLS. But this can sometimes be quite expensive. Realtors typically charge a small percentage of the selling price to perform all the necessary tasks of listing your home, performing the negotiations, communications, and overall paperwork. Let’s say they charge 3% on a $300,000 home. That’s $9000, yikes!
This is where Intermountain Properties comes in. Because we’re a licensed brokerage, we can list your home on the MLS for you. Our price? Only a flat rate cost of $99. The best part is that listing your home with our MLS listing feature couldn’t be simpler. Our listing process is available to you 24/7 and only takes about 20 minutes to complete. You can add your home information, upload images, list any special or notable features, and more! (Check out our “How Do I List My Home On The MLS in Utah?” article here).
If you want to list your home on the MLS, but don’t want to deal with all the paperwork involved that a regular real estate agent handles, let us do it for you. As an optional service, we provide a licensed agent that can oversee all aspects of your negotiations from the initial offer all the way through to closing. Our transaction representation includes offer negotiations, communications with the buyer and/or agent, handling of all offer paperwork, as well as set up and oversee of escrow, settlement, and closing, all for just a flat fee of $500. And if the transaction does not close, you owe us nothing.
Contact Us
Visit Intermountain Properties, or call us today at (801) 899-9102
If you’re still having your doubts about our MLS service, you can read what our past customers have said about us on Google Reviews.
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